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Resolve "Ability for USER to Add Quotes to the Database"

Darcey Haddow requested to merge 20-User-Added-Quotes into main

Closes #20 (closed)

  • As a user, I want to be able to add new quotes to the store

  • Created the function insert_into_database() in which is called in when the function add_to_db_button_clicked() is called.

  • Cleans the data using regex which allows author to have alphanumeric characters, dashes, spaces and apostrophes but no other characters.

  • User added quotes are only available locally, different users have the opportunity to personalise the database with this feature.

  • Entry boxes (Person and Quote) are automatically cleared when the Add button is pressed.

  • As a user, I want to be able to store multiple quotes by the same person

  • As the primary key for the database has previously been changed to a unique integer for each quote entry, multiple quotes by the same person can be stored individually in unique entries.

  • As a user, I want to store quotes under the same person even if I capitalised their name differently to how it is stored

  • add_to_db_button_clicked() Cleans the data and sets the person input to all lowercase before calling the function to add the person and quote to the database.

Edited by Darcey Haddow

Merge request reports